Complaints Policy
Purpose and Objective
Kalypso Hotel aims to continuously improve the services provided to its guests. Effective complaints management is fundamental to the provision of quality services and provides a platform for obtaining feedback from its guests with the purpose of resolving disputes and reforming policies and procedures.
Policy Statement
Kalypso Hotel through this policy is committed to effectively manage complaints promptly and fairly, ensuring that:
- Your complaints will be investigated in depth, will be handled in an efficient and effective manner and you will be treated courteously.
- We will be fair both to you and any employee for whom a complaint may refer to.
- We will not charge you for making a complaint.
- We will always observe privacy and confidentiality of any personal data.
- Any individual involved in the complaint or responsible for the management of the complaint will not participate in the investigation process should there be conflict of interest.
- Our employees will undergo continuous training on the Complaint Management Policy and will have direct access to related documentation in order to facilitate the effective handling of complaints.
- Our Board of Directors, management and employees acknowledge your right to file a complaint and are committed to the efficient and fair resolution of complaints or problems that may arise from the services we provide.
- The complaints management system included in this Policy and internal procedures will be reviewed periodically (at least annually), aiming to enhance the transparency, efficiency and the greatest possible satisfaction of Kalypso Hotel guests.
- Our Complaints Management Policy will always be available on our website: www.kalypsohotel.gr.
Complaints Procedure/Lodging a Complaint
- Who can file a complaint
Any complaint can be submitted by a guest of the hotel. - First point of contact
Should you worry about any aspect of the services we offer, your first point of contact should be the hotel’s reception. Our aim is to promptly resolve any possible issue you might have, prior to your departure. - Complaints procedure steps
If you find it necessary to pursue the matter further, you should submit a formal complaint letter (by electronic mail) addressed to info@kalypsohotel.gr to investigate the matter independently. - Response timeframes in complaints handling
- Status update request
We expect from you:
– To indicate information about your reservation (or tour operator) as well as your full contact details
– To describe your complaint clearly and accurately
– To be specific with respect to the reasons for which you are filing a complaint
– To mention your expectations clearly, in regards to the resolution of the issue
Having received a reply from the Hotel’s Management and if you are still not satisfied with the way in which your complaint has been handled, you may then write to:
General ManagerS. Grapsas – G. Fetsis S.A.
– Acknowledgement of your complaint within 3 working days of receipt.
– Your complaint will be addressed within 15 working days. A relevant response will be sent immediately.
– On rare occasions where more time is required for the proper and detailed investigation of your complaint, an extension period will be requested in writing. In our letter, besides any additional information that we may request, we will inform you of our actions taken so far and any further actions required for the completion of the investigation.
– Our aim is to ensure that you receive our final response within 10 working days from the time of the extension notification.
Should you wish to request an update at any stage of the complaint investigation, you can do so by contacting the hotel.